Corpora-Gov believes that the successful operation of government-owned utilities or other businesses in strategic areas depends on the existence of independent and professionally managed regulatory entities acting as referees between the government, the operator, and its customers. Modern and independent regulatory entities ensure that a competitive environment is in place. Corpora-Gov has the expertise to establish regulatory frameworks applied to public services operated in conditions of natural monopolies that devolve power to citizens and promote performance improvements in operators.
Corpora-Gov helps establish accountability systems that ensure that staff, from top management to field crews are responsible for the failure, inaction, or for success. Different from bureaucratic and traditional governmental mentality entities, modern approaches of accountability in government-owned companies should be less punishable and more rewarding to risk-takers, innovators, or to extra mile goers. New affordable technologies, modern approaches in regulations, governance, and career progress programs are creating the proper environment for accountability in government-owned companies.
Advances in corporate governance applied to government entities bring benefits to everyone, the owner, the staff, and its customers. Corpora-Gov experts can design a system that includes independent committees, board member appointments, audit committees, succession, and mandatory performance evaluation. Clear roles and responsibilities backed up by regulations to strengthen authorities and responsibilities bring better corporate environment. New, accessible tools and systems in finance, accounting, management, and evaluation enable governments to use transparent governance processes that assign authorities and powers.