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about the firm

Corpora-Gov is based in Maryland in the Washington DC area, close to US Federal Government agencies, multilateral organizations, and multiple consulting firms providing services around the world.  The firm has a large network of professionals that have worked on programs reforming government agencies in multiple sectors across Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East.

As a boutique firm, Corpora-Gov is committed to enhance its knowledge and deepen its exploration of innovations and the intersection of public service delivery for local economic development with technology, corporate governance, transparency, and public participation.  

Corpora-Gov is Small Business registered in Maryland certified as 8(a) and accredited as a Small Disadvantaged Business by the Maryland Department of Transportation. 


José Valdez

7206 Oakridge Ave.

Chevy Chase MD, 20815, United States

Tel. +1 (301) 312-4948